For those of you who want or need clarity and understanding on some of the media’s statements about Mr. Dean, this letter is for you.
You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International and its president Bradlee Dean, has been extremely effective in reaching our nation’s youth with a message of hope and responsibility. Their highly credible organization has received numerous letters of recommendation from school administration and multiple hundreds of testimonials from students who were impacted by their message, mine being one of them. Dean’s message is also geared toward the American family through his radio program, The Sons of Liberty. Their overall message is to show America the high price of freedom and teach us to honor the sacrifice of our veterans by being responsible with our own actions and educated on what it means to be an American citizen in our Constitutional Republic (based on Common Law – the Mosaic Institution).
What’s the most important issue for you in the 2024 election?
It has been stated that you know the credibility and effectiveness of someone by their enemies. It is not hard to believe that Dean has been under an aggressive attack in an attempt to silence his message and stop his effectiveness.
Here are some statements the media reported while putting their slant on it, which has either never been said or completely taken out of context. Please keep in mind that this kind of reporting is coming from those who are trying to implement the radical homosexual agenda on the American family:
Q: Did Bradlee Dean say that gays are pedophiles and criminal predators?
A: In context, Bradlee was referencing pedophiles and pederasts, those who molest children. ( The crimes committed on our children are horrendous, and this issue is reported by the media as well on a nationwide basis.
Q: Does Bradlee Dean call for the incarceration of homosexuals?
A: After MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and Andy Birkey from the Minnesota Independent put a “Bulls Eye” on Bradlee and his ministry by falsely accusing Dean of advocating the execution of homosexuals, these are the threats that have been made:
- I hope you die in the worst of ways
- Ever come close to me and I will bash your so-called Christian f***ING heads in!!!!!!
- Go die in a fire and get out of my country and leave your religious s*** at the door.
- I hope you get raped someday
- Now I’m gonna have to kill you! I thought we were gonna cut each others’ hair then have sex, but you stood me up! I’m so upset that I think I may just have to blow up your ministry instead! Good bye, forever, BQ
This is only 5 out of hundreds of hateful emails they received. The media has posted Bradlee’s address and a picture of his house online, endangering the lives of his family. They have also received bomb threats via telephone to the ministry. Some of these threats are under FBI investigation, and do call for incarceration according to the law, homosexual or not.
This is all the repercussion of their message to protect our kids from a radical agenda being implemented upon them without the American family’s approval.
Heather Kujawa
A Student Who Sat Through YCRBYCHI’s Assembly Program
Volunteer at YCRBYCHI