Recently, I did a Google search on my name to see what the word is on my ministry and I through the radical media. As I looked through the most recent articles, I kept noticing time and time again that there was something missing when they were pushing their propaganda on who we are and what it is that we do, namely, the facts. Not one report that I could find actually noted that we do high school assemblies – stating that we work with youth. I noticed over and over again where the radical media would fabricate, add to, rearrange, selectively report, conjure up and even omit things that did not fit their stories, and let me tell you, stories they are.
In fact, some of their reports were so sick that I wonder how it is they live in a free society. I have even asked myself if anyone could believe a word they wrote. They report as if their stories were based off of facts, but in truth, it is the facts that are missing.
What’s the most important issue for you in the 2024 election?
In fact (no pun intended), Thomas Jefferson was right when he said, “The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.”
One case in point was from a reporter who did a write up on us saying that I was merely exposing Obama’s “Safe School” czar Kevin Jennings for being “a gay man” when I was in fact, exposing Kevin Jennings (gay or not) for attempting to “queerify” elementary students in public schools across this country, clearly against the will of the American family.
What this report failed to tell you is that Kevin Jennings’ hero was none other than Harry Hay, a NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) icon. The motto for NAMBLA was “sex before 8 before it’s too late” while marching in gay pride parades. They just happened to overlook the facts as to what I was pointing out. Again, please keep in mind this is Obama’s “Safe School” czar.
GLSEN (Kevin Jennings’ organization) has admitted that “bullying” is nothing more than the affirmation (normalizing) of the gay lifestyle in our education system. What is the media pushing on the American people right now? How gay teens are being singled out and bullied. But what is behind it?
Let me ask you, who is really being singled out? Who is being bullied through the radical media? Anyone that opposes or exposes their agendas.
Or how about the NEA (National Education Association) who refused to pass amendment I 24 designed to protect students against sexual misconduct by teachers? The amendment read, “To protect the right of all students the (American Family) Association believes sexual contact between education professionals and minor students is unacceptable.” Many feel that the NEA refused to pass the amendment in order to protect teachers who have sex with students.
The NEA already has a LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) caucus. However, they decided that was not enough. In 2010, the NEA celebrated their new caucus: the NEA “drag queen” caucus.
Because I have brought these issues to the light, the radical media has labeled myself (and anyone willing to speak out) bigots, haters, anti-gay, and homophobic. Why? Because the radical media is the tool being used to promulgate immorality on America’s next generation.
Where they want to take it out of context
If these reporters were to write on the issues in context, they know full well that society at large would not accept their agendas, as they would be exposed for what they really advocate. So, they have to attempt a reversal assault. The good people now become the bad people (the law is an obstacle to their agendas), as they attempt to put light for darkness and darkness for light (Isaiah 5:20). In essence they have to turn things upside down and reverse the facts. (An interesting fact is that the Communist agenda is to put white for black and black for white. Please see the documentary “Agenda.”) Instead of them admitting that they are the ones doing the assaulting, they turn it as if they were the ones that were being assaulted.
As I have said before on many radio interviews throughout the country on my ministry’s mission, “We are not about attacking any particular people, we are about protecting a particular people that are under attack, namely our young people in public schools.”
Without fail these reporters prove my point to a “T”. So, instead of me being the good guy protecting our students from being assaulted by immorality, now they report on me like I am the bad guy assaulting the very ones that are doing the assaulting through their radical reports. Point made.
Examples through the local press
I did some research of other reports done by the same media outlets who have attacked me for exposing the crimes committed on our children. For example:
Fox News reports:
“A retired Minneapolis Park Police official already facing charges of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy now faces an additional charge of possession of child pornography.
“Retired Captain William A. Jacobs, 66, of Deephaven, Minnesota was booked into the Hennepin County Jail on Thursday night and charged Friday with two counts of criminal sexual conduct. According to the criminal complaint, the boy told his mother Jacobs had been sexually abusing him since he was 12-years-old.
“In a search of Jacobs’ home, investigators recovered four computers, six external hard drives and 141 CDs and DVDs. Those computers and drives contained 39,000 images of child pornography, including 701 images that matched a database at Wyoming’s Internet Crimes Against Children task force.
“According to the criminal sexual conduct charges, Jacobs sexually abused the boy 28 times between the fall of 2007 and spring of 2008 when the pair spent time on weekends together. The sexual abuse allegedly escalated in the summer of 2008 and spring of 2009 on more trips.”
Now Hennepin County prosecutors say they have 17 other witnesses ready to testify that they were abused by Jacobs between 1962 and 1980.
Jacobs retired from his position with the Minneapolis Park Police in May 2001 and has spent time in teaching positions (Blake and Breck Schools) and as a camp counselor (Eveleth).
City Pages reports:
“Aaron Biber was once a high-flying attorney with Gray Plant Moody. He was the treasurer of the state bar association.
“But he befriended a neighborhood boy (his son’s best friend), sexted the teenager pictures of his _______ ______, got him drunk and had sex with him. Once so roughly the boy needed medical attention.
“Now, Biber’s going to prison in disgrace. For 18 years. The sentence was handed down this afternoon in Hennepin County Court.
“Today, the victim’s father recounted the boy contemplating suicide and his mother called him a ‘monster.’
“The boy [told] the court the lesson he’s learned is to never trust anyone anymore.”
KSTP reports:
“A former middle school teacher was sent to prison for six years Tuesday for having sexual encounters with five teenage boys. Authorities said Allenna Ward, 24, met 14- and 15-year-old boys at the school where she taught as well as at a motel, a park, and behind a restaurant.”
WCCO reports:
“Earlier this month, St. John’s Abbey in Collegeville mailed letters to thousands of St. John Prep school alumni saying over a period of more than 40 years, 17 monks had ‘credible allegations of sexual abuse brought against them.’ (Three of the monks accused of sexually abusing children and young adults live in Minneapolis.)
“Attorney Jeff Anderson said, ‘The subculture of secrecy and sexuality has run so deep and so long that it may be among the worse that I have encountered.’
“Brother John Kelly was seen at his St. Michael home, just down the street from an elementary school” said this report.
Absolutely incredible
What is absolutely incredible about all of this is that not one time after exposing these crimes against children in this country have I heard one of these radical reporters high-five my ministry for defending the young against these criminals. Not once!
Walking contradictions
What is interesting here is that it’s the press that reports these crimes that I condemn, but then they turn around demonize me for speaking out against these criminals as well.
One has got to ask the question, why is it that I am continuously attacked by the radical media, both locally and nationally, for standing up on the behalf of our kids who are the target of deviated and perverse criminals? What is behind the radical media that they refuse to high-five me for protecting our children?
Why is it that not one time have I received support from the homosexuals for protecting our kids from criminal predators? What I hear day after day from them is ridicule via emails, or posted threats, slander, fabrications, accusations and even death threats, but no praise or support.
Why is it that I open the doors to the radical media to come to my events only to be lied about through their reports?
I have even offered to take them out to coffee, but they refuse. If they did that, they might actually have to report the facts.
Why is it that homosexual churches condemn me, but will not let me take to their pulpit to show the clear teaching of Scripture on behalf of the congregants?
These are questions you have to ask in order to come up with your own conclusions.
Why I am NOT moving from my position!
Scripture clearly states not to “offend the little ones” (Matthew 18:6). This generation has been subjected to everything and protected from nothing, and there are those who want to dare God’s justice by violating and assaulting our children. By the grace of God…not on my watch.